The International Congress on the Revitalization of Indigenous and Minority Languages was held for the first time in the city of Barcelona, Spain, in 2017. The second edition of the event will take place this year at the University of Brasilia, Brazil, just when the United Nations elected the year 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages. Brazil stands out as a Latin American country with the greatest linguistic diversity. However, this diversity is threatened, since most indigenous languages are highly vulnerable. The event, which includes initiatives and practices for the revitalization of indigenous languages in different parts of the world, will give special visibility to the actions developed for the life and strengthening of indigenous languages in general, with a special focus on Brazilian indigenous languages.
The main mission of the event is to provide an environment of exchange of ideas and experiences that will transcend the walls of the academy and find space in the global community, giving participants the opportunity to share their multiple ways of being, seeing, knowing and learning.
The event counts with the recognition of UNESCO and the partnership of different national institutions of education and research - UNEMAT, UFG, UNIR, UFMT -, through their respective intercultural programs that have helped capacitor and train indigenous teachers and researchers.
It is hoped that the Congress will have great visibility and contribute significantly to the debate on policies and practices for the strengthening of indigenous and minority languages in Brazil and abroad.
As a complementary activity to II CIRLIN, the I International Meeting on Indigenous Linguistic Diversity will be held between October 04 and 06: exchange of experiences and safeguard strategies, in which there will be a space with workshops, working groups and other activities that provide the exchange between Brazilian and indigenous natives of countries like Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, among others. The objective is to encourage, through the contact between these researchers, the creation of collaboration networks for research, promotion and preservation of indigenous languages in a continental spectrum. We will support the arrival of at least 30 indigenous researchers (10 foreigners and 20 Brazilians) who will participate in both II CIRLIN and the Encuentro.
2019 © 2019 Laboratório de Línguas e Literaturas Indígenas da Universidade de Brasília.